Assalamualaikum everyone, 

im feeling bit sad lately, i memang nak aktikfan blog ni balik, tapi selalu takde masa, but i will do it okay.

 i really love to write, but, theres no one to read it. 

so here is some of my notes. supaya orang yang baca takkan putus asa :

Assalamualaikum semua,


Bulan MAC 2022,

Pertama kali aku dapat panggilan untuk temuduga SPA, Ya allah happy sangat sebab rasa fizikal aku boleh pergi jauh ni, tapi syarat dia, dia tak nak orang rabun. Ya allah , what should I do then ? I really wanted to be PEGAWAI . I really wanted to work with people. Aku nak tunjuk yang orang kerja kerajaan taklah seteruk yang disangka, they can be friendly too. I just don’t know, I really wanted to be success in this area, serious stuck , tak tahu nak kerja apa, tak tahu kerja apa sesuai and do I got the skills to do it, Ya allah please help me.

And to those yang struggle cari kerja,

My nasihat is NEVER GIVE UP. aku serious rasa nak give up , im thinking about what is my specialites sampai orang nak hired aku, and when I think about it, I rasa downnn, I rasa I tak mampu nak bersaing with them , like ya allah sakitnya otak ni , and I salahkan course I lah and faculty sebab tak bagi pendedahan yang sepatutnya,

But wait, tu semua bukan salah dorang pun , KITA KENA PERCAYA REZEKI TU ADA DI MANA MANA , untuk dapat pekerjaan yang kita nak bukan mudah , like kita kena usaha, connect with people. I really hope I can get this job.

I really want to connect with people, help people, and give people something that they want. I want to work for people.

That is my first option. Next, I nak work with plants. Yes of course that is my major. But I really lack of knowledge. I really need to have someone like mentor to help me in this field ,

Government relations and Stakeholder managements. Ini satu department yang penting and I need to learn more to understand how to interct with those people. How he connect with people. And my English , I hope I can be more corporate in word and styling.

 i really want to someone that my mom can proud of, but lambat sangat aku fikir benda ni , kenapa dari sekolah tak start fikir????? 

jangan salahkan takdir , buat je , CARI PENGALAMAN , AND JUAL PENGALAMAN TU , OKAY.

I always wonder how they became so rich and dapat kerja tu, they must start somewhere dulu kan , so i kena usaha, kena kerja sungguh sungguh, semua ini perlukan pengorbanan kan . 

hope to see me soon, i will wrte more, write my experience and way to make yourself happy okay.
